This is a show about work. Some people work to earn money, some people work to feel fulfilled and some people don’t work at all.
This performance is a very personal story looking at the ups and downs of what it means to serve the great British public drawing on Katy’s own experiences at the frontline of the customer service industry.
A powerful and honest autobiographical portrayal of the relationship between labor, class and aspiration. (2017-2020)
A research and dialogue project using perfomance to explore how we inhabit and discard identities throughout our life. Redress investigates the ways in which we perform our identities through consumption.
Body Series
A collection of performance work investigating how I see myself and how others see me. With Body Series, I place my fat, hairy, female, scarred, queer body into different contexts.
Trojan Protest Agency
A “rent-a- protest-by-proxy” service for those too busy, or lazy, to hold a placard or organise a petition themselves.
Kinetic Aesthetic
A performance collective that sought to question and disrupt the prevailing status quo through performative interventions.
The Monkey United Freedom Force (MUFF) was a Scottish based, underground guerilla alliance that engaged in illegal direct action in pursuit of primate and human liberation.